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Why Subconscious Reprogramming is so important in creating a Successful Business

Sep 19, 2023


Have you ever wondered why subconscious work is so important in Entrepreneurship? 

I am going to break it down on what "subconscious work" even means, and also why it's so important in reaching your full potential in your business! 

What is the "Subconscious Mind"?

Subconscious is your unconscious mind. The part of your brain that stores all of your memories, experiences, and beliefs. It is everything that you've been conditioned to believe, the memories you've had in your entire life, and also your experiences in life that brought you to this moment. 

Your conscious mind can only store a limited amount of information. It is constantly deleting distorting & generalizing your thoughts and beliefs. It keeps information that you NEED to know in this moment for survival and safety. The rest will be stored in your subconscious mind. 

So what does it mean to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind? 

Since all of your life's experiences, memories, and beliefs that you've had in your entire life is stored in your subconscious mind...there is OBVIOUSLY some programming that is NOT helping you create the life and business you desire. 

And the majority of your programming is passed down from generations and generations. You can hold up to 7 generations of conditioning, until you decide to break the cycle. 

Which can hold you back tremendously in creating a wealthy & successful life. 

Subconscious Reprogramming is designed to help you release the beliefs, experiences, memories and programming that is holding you back in your life and business. 

  • What phrases or beliefs were passed down to you? 
  • What were you taught about wealth, money & success?
  • What are your patterns or cycles when it comes to your business? 
  • Where are you holding yourself back in rising up to your next level?

Subconscious Reprogramming is done through a blend of specific healing modalities, NLP coaching, and Intuitive Guidance. 

One of my favorite modalities to use for subconscious healing is hypnosis. Hypnosis is so powerful because it allows you to get into a deeply-relaxed, trance state. Which means that your able to speak & align your subconscious mind to what you desire. 

You have complete will-power during hypnosis, and you have nothing to be afraid of. It is a completely safe experience. You are in control of your experience. 

Can you do Subconscious Work on yourself?

Our subconscious Blocks are usually within our blind spots. You may have some understanding of what your beliefs are, and where you are holding yourself back.

And you may randomly hear a phrase that somebody uses, and you realize that is a unconscious thought that you have... 

But hiring a mentor that is trained to be able to help you uncover your subconscious blocks will transform your business in SO MANY WAYS.

And you will receive the biggest transformation & breakthroughs when you receive a session that is customized & personalized TO YOU and what your blocks are. 

I truly believe that every single person should be doing this work. 

If you aren't, you are missing out on receiving more wealth and success in your business! 

Are you ready to Reprogram your Subconscious Mind & Uplevel your Business Growth? Click here to book a 1:1 Session.


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